Hi, On 10/04/2017 23:44, Alex Muntada wrote: > The Debian Perl team is planning a sprint from May 18th to 21st > in Lloret de Mar (ES) that will be part of the Debian Sun Camp > event: > > https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2017/DebianPerlSprint > https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/Europe/2017/DSC > > The general goals are: > > * Kick off the buster development for pkg-perl. > * QA work across our 3000+ packages. > > And the potential topics are: > > * Preparation for Perl 5.26, perl.debian.net. > * Decide about packages with RC bugs / file RM bugs. > * Dual-lived modules: update alternative dependencies, explicitly > depend on modules which are deprecated or removed from perl > core, discuss/implement versioned provides. > * Check all libapp-*-perl (and potentially other) packages for > real applications whose (binary) packages should rather be > named foo instead of libapp-foo-perl. > * Add/check autopkgtests to all packages. > * Improve autopkgtest-pkg-perl framework. > * Fix reproducible build issues. > * dh-make-perl bug fixing/improvements. > * pkg-perl-tools bug fixing/improvements. > * Fix or work around known nondeterministic test failures. > > There are at least 4 members of the team expected to attend the > sprint. At least 3 of them will need travel and accommodation > sponsorship, and 1 accommodation only. > > The budget estimate is 2010€ (up to 2200€ for contingency). > Approved up to 2200 EUR. Happy Hacking! :-) -- Mehdi
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