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Re: qemu-system-sparc64: upcoming changes in 2.11

On 21/10/17 09:15, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
On 20/10/17 18:33, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Could I ask a related question here: if one has command-line access to a
version of Qemu of uncertain provenance, how can one ask it what devices
it assumes as default?

Sadly there is no official way, so you'd have to check the output of
"qemu-system-sparc64 -version" and if it's < 2.11 then it's ne2k_pci,
otherwise it's sunhme.

Thanks Mark. Sorry for generating noise, but I'd been maintaining various Qemu startup scripts during the day and the issue of inconstant default devices when moving between versions was the consistently irritating one.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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