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Re: Debian Sparc 7.10.0 Install Problems

On 06/10/2016 01:00 PM, Chris wrote:
> Ok, one reason for looking at older versions is that i'm not happy
> about the current Linux direction. As an engineer, efficiency is
> important and mainstream Linux becomes ever more complex and
> interdependent. Debian has been the favourite Linux for
> years, but the last straw was the systemd saga.

I'm sorry, but I'm not concerned about non-systemd systems and I'm
also not concerned about ancient versions of Debian. There are no
valid technical arguments against using systemd, there are just
crafted arguments to get the own point across.

If you would like to use Debian Wheezy, you are on your own - at least
speaking from my side.

> Oracle do have a free Linux / Sparc, but it's still a reference level
> design and correct me if wrong, nothing seems to have happened for
> some time. Not clear if they are really serious about it. Really
> good if they are and it would be a valuable contribution to the
> rapidly diminishing Sparc OS gene pool. Hardware is useless without
> an OS and it's good to have choices.

That's not a concern for Debian though, so I'm not sure why you bring
this up in this discussion.

> Debian may not need the older machines, but have just given a couple of
> V240's + configuration help to a FreeBSD developer. Afaics, they have
> no plans to drop support for any 64 bit Sparc. Understand that you
> have to concentrate efforts with limited resources, but if it doesn't
> run on generic 64 bit Sparc, what's the point, unless you are
> just aiming at commercial users ?

Where did I say we would drop 64-bit SPARC support? I never said that.
I said that 32-bit SPARC is unsupported.

> Anyway, thanks for putting up with the post. So how do I get the 7.10
> issue resolved and replies to the list to thread properly ?. I see a
> mirror of this list on nntp.aioe.org, but seems read only. Is that
> correct ?...

No idea, you're on your own from here, sorry.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
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