Re: Sparc 6.0.3: multiple Nautilus file manager process after few minutes from fresh install
On Fri, 2011-12-16 at 22:50 +0800, jaomadn wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to ask some assistance about my new install sparc64 debian
> 6.0.3 in a sun blade 150 Hardware.i having this problem in a nautilus
> file manager in the below panel, it keeps open and closing (multiple
> file manager process starting and dying) this in result of 100 percent
> cpu load, this problem will start in a few minutes after using the fresh
> new install system. This is the second time i fresh install i thought
> this will disappear if i fresh install again. I install on a DVD disc.
> I did the ff but doesn't solve the problem:
> 1. remove & reinstall the nautilus package including the gnome
> dependecies like gnome-core* gnome-desktop* etc
> 2. remove & reinstall the full gnome* package.
> 3. fresh install twice.
> 4. reboot multiple times for every steps taken above.
Thank God someone else has the same error...
I thought I had royally screwed something up, as it was working when I
did the initial install, worked after I did at least one apt-get
upgrade, and still after I'd put a backport kernel in....
I then didn't use for a few days, and then the problem started - so I
just thought it was me, but didn't have enough time to look at it in any
detail, as I had another box that I could use for what I needed (*nix +
So - Also guilty of not raising a bug, but, as I've described, not top
of everyone's list, depending on what they *need* to do :(
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