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Re: silo and new kernel issue in lenny & squeeze

urodelomutante wrote:

Well, since my first upgrade to Lenny, I've never been able to run a new kernel, only the old 2.6.18 works. I've upgraded the kernel during the upgrade of debian, and silo.conf has been automatically modified to load the new kernel (some years ago the one of lenny, some months ago the one of squeeze). When I boot the ultra10 with a new kernel, for ex 2.6.32, openboot loads, than at the prompt should appear SILO, but what I get is SI and nothing more. As I've told before, with old 2.6.18, it works

I am not an expert in this, but since nobody else has replied: I've run Etch, Lenny and Squeeze without SILO problems. Have you read the silo manpage and investigated whether it can update itself?

(by the way, is there a way to chose the kernel to boot among those available in silo.conf, in a way similar to that of grub - lilo?)

Working from memory, by specifying the kernel name etc. at the OpenPROM prompt.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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