While attempting an install of Debian 6.0.1 on an Ultra 2,
I use "boot cdrom" from an OK prompt. The kernel loads,
and while loading the ramdisk there is an error:
Fast Data MMU Miss.
and then it kicks out to the OK prompt.
I saw some mention that there could be issues booting
from cdrom, but they mentioned dual video cards
or missing firmware.
I know there is a way to boot from the network but it
isn't very interesting as a workaround because it is quite
a hassle to set up network services only for this, and
it leaves one without a rescue platform.
I see that a Solaris 10 cdrom boots OK, so the hardware seems to be OK.
Are there any possible solutions ?
Is the problem specific to certain CDROM devices? I have
a DVD drive from an old 280R I could install and try.