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Re: boot cdrom on ultra 2 - error while loading ramdisk

D G Teed wrote:
While attempting an install of Debian 6.0.1 on an Ultra 2,
I use "boot cdrom" from an OK prompt.  The kernel loads,
and while loading the ramdisk there is an error:

Fast Data MMU Miss.

and then it kicks out to the OK prompt.

I saw some mention that there could be issues booting
from cdrom, but they mentioned dual video cards
or missing firmware.

I know there is a way to boot from the network but it
isn't very interesting as a workaround because it is quite
a hassle to set up network services only for this, and
it leaves one without a rescue platform.

I see that a Solaris 10 cdrom boots OK, so the hardware seems to be OK.

Are there any possible solutions ?

Is the problem specific to certain CDROM devices?  I have
a DVD drive from an old 280R I could install and try.

I've fixed that in the past by downgrading OpenPROM to the last version known to work. That would seem to confirm suggestions that I've seen elsewhere that it's an OP version issue.

Please don't ask me to check what firmware versions- the NVRAM's gone dud in that system and I've not had time to fix it yet.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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