Re: SunBlade 2500 & XVR1200
Hi Josip,
I'm sorry to bother you.
I've find out and downloaded the patch to fix my trouble with XVR 1200
on Lenny, but I'm new on Debian (some years on Solaris, but no
experience on Linux Debian) and I need your help to apply this patch
to the system or a link to some doc to follow the best procedure to
update to the most update kernel.
2010/8/1 Josip Rodin <>:
> On Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 09:03:03PM +0200, Maurizio Caltabiano wrote:
>> I've finally decided to leave Solaris 10 and, without a clear future
>> of OpenSolaris, all my friends ahve suggetsed to try Debian SPARC.
>> I've just installed Lenny on my SunBlade 2500 and at the first boot
>> the screen is showing vertical stripes. I can see the background logo
>> and the login menu, but it is too foggy. Many of the threads in the
>> sparc list are focussed on XVR500, XVR100 and XVR600, no mention of
>> XVR1200 (chipset 3DLabs Wildcat).
> I'm not sure if it's relevant to your case, but a framebuffer driver for
> XVR-1000 was only added in 2.6.34, a kernel version that is newer than
> the one used on Lenny (5.0) installer images.
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