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rsc device on SunFire 480/880 for mgetty in debian ?

Dear all,

what device did I need to put into /etc/inittab to get a
getty on a serial console redirected to the rsc card ? For serialA
this is:

 T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt102

At the moment the openprom messages and all linux boot messages are
redirected to the rsc card, but of course no login appears - this is still
on the serialA port.


# openprom: redirect console to rsc
setenv	diag-out-console	true
setenv	input-device	rsc-console
setenv	output-device	rsc-console

Netzwerkadministration/Zentrale Dienste, Interdiziplinaeres 
Zentrum fuer wissenschaftliches Rechnen der Universitaet Heidelberg
IWR; INF 368; 69120 Heidelberg; Tel: (06221)54-8236 Fax: -5224
Email: Hermann.Lauer@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

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