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October News: Greeters Ministry

A visitor comes to your church. God has given you an

They walk in, they do not know anyone or what to expect yet,
they have come to your congregation wanting to worship.
Sometimes they are looking for a church home, sometimes a
place to come into contact with God.

What they really, really want is a friendly face, a warm
handshake, and...well...a friend.

Your congregation is probably very friendly, but unless
these guests are greeted and helped within the first few
seconds in your building, they will not think of your church
as a friendly one.

Here is a plan, step-by-step, 'do this, then do this, then
do this.' Your plan for greeting guests and maintaining a
greeters ministry is here. Ready to go by Sunday.

Don't wait.

Check this out.

In Him,
--Curt Gunz

P.S. There will be visitors at church this Sunday, will you
be ready to help them?

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PO Box 534
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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