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Building SPARC32PLUS


I am building some applications (openoffice.org) using gcc and g++
jim@sun:~/vanilla$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.2.3 20071123 (prerelease) (Debian 4.2.2-4)

jim@sun:~/vanilla$ g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.2.3 20071123 (prerelease) (Debian 4.2.2-4)

When running the "file" command I have noticed the object files are SPARC e.g.
$ file something.o   blah ... SPARC

$ file everything.so  blah -... SPARC32PLUS

I assume the shared libs are different because they are linked to SPARC32PLUS files in /usr/lib...
is that right?

Also I notice that gcc -mcpu=v9 is needed to get object files like SPARC32PLUS.
Is that the correct behaviour?
I suppose I am wondering why gcc doesn't produce SPARC32PLUS by default.


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