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Udev problem with sparc64 machine

Hi all,

I am currently setting up a disk server on a Sun Entreprise 450. I am running 
Debian unstable as of today. Since this machine is likely to host something 
like 20 SCSI disks, I need to ensure every single gets the same /dev/sdx name 
at every reboot.

My main problem is that the udev 	subsystem does not want to apply my rule.

I have been identifying each scsi disk using udevinfo, like this :

udevinfo -q -a /sys/block/sda

And here are the relevant informations I want to base my rule on :

ATTRS{model}=="DRVS09D         "

So my rule is placed in /etc/udev/rules.d/010-custom.rules and contains :

KERNELS=="3:0:2:0", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}=="IBM", NAME="sda"

Unfortunately, udevtest /sys/block/sda does not make this rule match. I 
probably miswrote my rule, but I cannot find why.

If any of you has an idea why it does not work ?

Thank you very much in advance
Best regards, Florian

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