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Re: U1 && network speed

Am Mittwoch 27 September 2006 21:14 schrieb Turbo Fredriksson:
> >>>>> "David" == David Johnson <dj@david-web.co.uk> writes:
>     David> A 486 is perfectly capable of saturating a 100 M/bit
>     David> link
> Oups. I've always said it wasn't...
> Is there any formula one can use to calculate what type of power
> (memory, CPU power (not megahertz :) etc) one needs to saturate
> a given link?

Very much depends on the network adapter, I'd say. One with a buffer is surely 
easier on the CPU that e.g. an RTL8139.
An SBUS or ISA bus is probably not the best, too, if you use more than this 


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