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Re: Running X with Sun Mono-Sync Monitor

Thanks Chris,

I'm using the Tatung/SPARC clone with Sarge aand the Sun GDM17E10
monosync monitor. I'm running Fvwm as a window manager.

I had some problems getting X going. I ended up with X flashing on
the screen for a second but that was it.

I ended up reinstalling. I did a basic install and all of the updates
including the latest 2.4 Kernel. I rebooted and installed the total X
package and Fvwm, I chose advanced to configure X. I used horizontal
sync 70-75 and vertical sync at 76-77 with 24 bit. To choose a
resolution, I blanked them all out. I planned to fill in the extra
screen information later.

I typed startx to find out where I was at and see what errors I have.
I ended up with Fvwm running perfectly with virtual desk tops, The
mouse worked fine. I have Firefox and Kopete running with no problem.
Now to configure Fvwm. I have no idea for sure what resolution I have
but it looks like it is in the 1152x900 range. There is no smoke. ;)

Hope this helps someone else facing a similar problem.


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