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Re: blade 1000 boot problem

Quoting Jon Biddell <jon@mandrake.net.au>:

> On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 20:34, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
>> Quoting Dave Love <d.love@dl.ac.uk>:
>> > Yes, when the v210 was frozen, I had to reset it via the lights-out
>> > management system.
>> The 'lights-out management system'? Is that a Solaris thing?
> It's a Compaq-originated thing - an interface card that allows you to do 
> everything remotely - i.e. with the lights out in the server room.
> Not exactly sure of the origin, but I used to use it in a Compaq server farm 
> and it is a great idea, especially for remote / adsl connections.
> After all, workig from home in my jammies has a certain appeal - not to 
> mention it's closer to the beer fridge !!

Is that availible without buying a Compaq server? Any ideas on the cost?
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