debian-sparc Apr 2005 by thread
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Creator 3 D Framebuffer on Sun Ulta 1: XFree resolution and refresh rate settings Sebastian Niehaus
Lots of kernel problems with U30 Yann Marigo
AW: Creator 3 D Framebuffer on Sun Ulta 1: XFree resolution and refresh rate settings Jurzitza, Dieter
Re: Lots of kernel problems with U30 (fwd) Jurij Smakov
Re: Status of Debian on Sun Blade 150 Jurij Smakov
Re: WG: Re: Bits (Nybbles?) from the Vancouver release team meeting Francois Lucas
migration from sunOS/ultrasparc to linux/ultrasparc Vincent 13
Open kernel-image-2.6.8 bugs on sparc - help needed Jurij Smakov
netboot / netinst on Netra X1 Greg Foster
unsubscribe Chris Andrew
installation-reports (Vince.McIntyre fwd) [was: Re: Status of Debian on Sun Blade 150] Wiktor Wandachowicz
problem with mouse slimane ben miled
disk size mismatch issue during install on ultra1 Ardo van Rangelrooij
acl2_2.9.1-1 Camm Maguire
Returned mail SAVGW
Multimedia packages available Christian Marillat
Re: doctorj sparc build failed Paul Cupis
Kernel panic - not syncing: Aiee, killing interrupt handler! Bob Tanner
chrony: [sparc] Fails to read RTC and floods logfiles Frans Pop
The last update was on 18:01 GMT Wed May 01. There are 268 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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