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Re: Fun upgrading libc (segmentation fault while going from stable to testing in Sun IPX)

> > 	I got pissed and decided to reinstall debian in that IPX.  I make a 
> > testing (I assume the order is stable->testing->unstable, right?  I still get 
> > confused in that) boot cd using jigdo.  When I tried to feed my IPX with it, 
> > it would hang during the boot process. So, I made a 3.00r4 stable/woody boot 
> > cd and was able to install debian. So, I then started looking for a new 
> > kernel, just to see if I could go to 2.4 in woody.  It seems the only 
> > available images are for the ultra series.  Lovely.
> If I remember correctly, IPX is sun4c architecture.
IPX is sun4c.

> Sarge (testing) 
> installer formally supports it, but I haven't seen any reports from 
> somebody trying to install on sun4c for a long time. So, if you would be 
> willing to try the latest pre-release image(s) from [0] and submit a 
> detailed installation report [1] afterwards, that would be very valuable.
> [0] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/
> [1] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/report-template
I was also under the impression that all packages in sarge were moving
over to being compiled with -v8.  From what little I know I guess it
would be possible to put a small hack in somewhere (glibc I'd guess,
maybe ld) that would catch the illegal instruction flags and run
soft-emulation of them, thus allowing unmodified sarge binaries to run
on sun4c and other -v7 boxes.  It would degrade performance on them
somewhat - possibly to the point of being unuseable.

Is there an 'official word' on this and where can it be found / who is
in charge of making one?

 - Martin
"Seasons change, things come to pass"

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