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upgrading woody -> sarge on Sparc 2.

There is an old Sparc 2 here, happily running Woody with Apache 
and Postfix.

Seems that a simple technique for upgrading to Sarge is to replace 
every occurance of "woody" with "sarge" in /etc/apt/sources.list 
and then update and install in dselect.  Is this likely to be 

Will a Woody package run in Sarge?  If so I can work in stages.  
Upgrade the US main first, then the US non-free, then US contribs 
and etc.

Are Apache and Postfix working OK in Sparc Sarge?

Thanks,                Peter Easthope

shark at gulfnet dot sd64.bc.ca

Desktops.OpenDoc  http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

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