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Re: Boot on RAID1

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Hi Eduardo,

I have working RAID1 setup and no problem to boot.

Here is the relevant section of my silo.conf


~        label=kernel-2.6.8-2
~        root=/dev/md4
~        append="md=4,/dev/hda4,/dev/hdc4 "
~        label=kernel-2.6.8-3
~        root=/dev/md4
#       append="md=4,/dev/hda4,/dev/hdc4 "
~        alias=current

And the /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>               <dump>
/dev/md4        /               reiserfs        defaults        0       1
/dev/md1        /boot           ext3    defaults                1       2
/dev/md5        /var            reiserfs        defaults        1       2
/dev/md6        /usr            reiserfs        defaults        1       2
/dev/md7        /home           reiserfs        defaults        1       2
/dev/md8        /opt            reiserfs        defaults        1       2
proc            /proc           proc    defaults                0       0
/dev/fd0        /floppy         auto    user,noauto             0       0
/dev/cdrom      /cdrom          iso9660 ro,user,noauto          0       0

hda1 and hdc1 are the /dev/md1

I found that I do not even need the append command and silo works fine.
That maybe not the right thing. And the very first line is no longer
needed (that stayed from the earlier part of installation so you can
delete that).

I have done  raid1 setup a few times on both X86 and U10, so I have some
experience and notes. Perhaps the most challenging part was to figure
out how to do it on two non-identical disk ... The trick I found working
in that scenario was to _NOT_ include the first block (which is the 0
when you do fdisk) into the first partition (which is boot for me). This
is where the boot block and the partition info is (I think). When the
two disks were not identical mirroring wrecked havoc on the partition
table as well. Took me a long time to figure that.

I think the real trick is to make the whole disk partition bootable at
the very beginning of the install process.

The booting starts from the Sundisk label partition and actually the
prom is smart enough to read the image itself (not like x86). So the
above silo.conf tells the prom to read an image from the first partition
of the disk you are booting from. BUT the prom can only figure out ext2
ext3 filesystem at this time (I believe) not reiserfs.

In case let say your primary drive is dead ... you can safely go to boot
prompt (like STOP-A) and type something like:

boot disk2 and that will boot your system just fine.... I assume here
that your raided drive was disk2 ... (in my case the secondary IDE
master in an ULTRA 10).

Hope this is helpful.


| Hi people,
| Could someone point me on how to boot on a RAID1 device.
| The devices are created, and the kernel has RAID1 support built in.
| thanks

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