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Re: Latest Sarge netboot failing...

In article <[🔎] 20040521233853.6818FEA7F@murphy.debian.org> alex@moocows.org writes:
>Hooray. The first time I saw b4 working on non-x86...
>until got to the base-system component, which failed because 
>the scsi-cd module could not be loaded (what the heck ?).

Known bug, fixed in the "sid" daily builds.  The fixed busybox hadn't
made to to sarge last time I checkd, but the fix should make it to
beta 5.

>Anyway, I went for the woody netinst now and did a dist-upgrade.
>Working like a charme. I just have one slightly OT question:
>Has anyone had problems with mp3s skipping in xmms & mpg321 ?
>It's like timewarped playback. The card is a CS4231a.
>(Note, using plain alsa in xmms gives scrambled output, sounds like 
>I'm listening to some capacitors having a party. xmms-esd "works"
>in the way mentioned above. mpg321 works straight out of the box
>with no parameters).

Some sound programs assume little-endian.  I haven't tried hooking
speakers to a sparc running debian yet.

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
With Microsoft, failure is not an option.  It is a standard feature.

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