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Debian + HardDrive 250GB

Hi everyone,

I've an Ultra10 workstation with Debian on it.
I just bought a new Hitachi Deskstar 250GB an install in it.
Here is wat i get in my logs :
hdb: HDS722525VLAT80, ATA DISK drive
hdb: 268435455 sectors (137439 MB) w/7938KiB Cache, CHS=266305/16/63, (U)DMA

My problem is that it only recognise a maximum of 30GB (glurps !! :-) after
setting up with fdisk utilities.
I tried different specifications in fdisk but no success, i'm stuck with the
number of Cylinders : the drive specifies 266305 and fdisk don't let me
specify more than 65535.

Does anyone have an idea/suggestion/tips to help me ?



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