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Ultra1 tftpboot boot problems

Im diskless booting an ultra1, most of the time all goes well. 

Every so often though it loads only part of tftpboot image (4200 Hex)
and stops.  I think its server related as I have a second ultra1 that if
I turn on after the first one has stalled does exactly the same thing !

If I leave it all alone and come back in a hour or so it all works.

Anyone know what I have to do to the tftp server to make it reliable.

Ive read several docs, all claim to need a different specific tftp
server. Im also booting pxe intel machines with it so I must not break

Anyone any ideas?

This is the version I have installed.

[root@cheerleader atftp-0.6]# /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -V
tftp-hpa 0.29, with remap, with tcpwrappers

This is how it starts.

[root@cheerleader atftp-0.6]# cat /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
# default: off
# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file
transfer \
#       protocol.  The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless \
#       workstations, download configuration files to network-aware
printers, \
#       and to start the installation process for some operating
service tftp
        disable                 = no
        socket_type             = dgram
        protocol                = udp
        wait                    = yes
        user                    = root
        server                  = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
        server_args             = -s /tftpboot -t 10 -v -v
        per_source              = 1
        cps                     = 100 2

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