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Re: Strange SCSI errors.

try these:
badblocks (read the manpage)
cat /proc/scsi/<controller>/0
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
scsi-config <dev> (X frontend for scsiinfo)

and if everything fails this could be a (dirty) solution:
scsiadd -r <scsi_id>
scsiadd -a <scsi_id>

Andreas Loong wrote:
Hi there,

I have debian woody 3.0r1 stable installed on a Enterprise 3000.
(1280 ram, 6x170mhz ultrasparc I)
The whole machine behaves extremely nice, when there's one disk in the system. However, having more than one disk, the least bit of disk activity, then disk 0 stops responding. Looking at the disk, the diode is constantly on and the machine has stopped responding. Trying to do anything that isn't currently in ram results in a hang.

Removing disk 0 in mid flight and inserting it again yields nothing.
The kernel is taken directly from apt, the kernel-image-2.4.19-sun4u-smp so this does strike me as odd. This is not the first machine I've seen this behaviour - it also happens on the Ultra2.

Any suggestions on what to check?
CC me as I'm not on the list.

Andreas Loong

|     Daniel van Eeden <daniel_e@dds.nl>      |
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