debian-sparc Sep 2002 by thread
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Re: Problem with added video card with Sun terminal and keyboard... Andrew Sharp
Netra T1 installation issue Jean-Francois Dive
XFree86 4.1.x on a JavaStation (Mr Coffee) Andrew Pollock
Improving performance on a SS4 Turbo Fredriksson
woody on a sun e250 staf wagemakers
ar laube
xfree86 4.2.1-0pre1v1 (mips,mipsel,m68k,powerpc,sh4) available at the X Strike Force Branden Robinson
debian linux on primepower (sun4us) Helmut Koeberle
apt-get order bob . debianlists
Expert 3D-Lite in Ultra 5 Mark T. Valites
SPARC64 Install (Woody) Gehring, Andrew x66132
Printer driver(?) problem Antonio Luiz Pacifico
kernel debs rise again Rob Radez
Global registers Will Newton
ultra 5 sound Mark T. Valites
Invitation to Oldenburg Linux Developers Meeting 2002, Sept. 26th to 29th Karsten Merker
smp kernel debs Rob Radez
Afio 2.4.7 not working on Sparc 20... Ryan Kirkpatrick
我有全市最便宜的市话通和CDMA和GSM手机, cdma手机号码150元(含1000元话费 yang
Sound on UltraSparc and kernel 2.4.18 Rob Walsh
phpgroupware/session... Marco Gaiarin
kernel panic on boot John P. Looney
help on Debian 3.0 SPARC installation Sébastien Chavin <schavin@dalkia . com>
DHCP with happy meal and/or lance Christian Gagneraud
Wierd 2.4 booting problem: Level 15 Interrupt Philippe Troin
SILO possible on fourth partition? Pieter-Paul Spiertz
libc6 errors when trying to apt-get Chris Mutchler
2.4.20-pre8 kernel debs Rob Radez
UK keyboard maps Dave Love
install problem from CDROM Kevin Coyner
testing RAID-1 on an Ultra 10 Robin Stevens
boot installation doesn't boot Kevin Coyner
libc6-sparc64 2.2.5-11.2 problem Nicholas J Kreucher
Ich bin`s schneckchen
Enterprise 3000 installation problems Andreas Loong
disk recovery cd, for sparc Brenda J. Butler
Newbie - Help with debian-2.4.18 kernel compile todd.sarratt
Kernel recompile SUCCESS! todd.sarratt
libc6 (+sparc64) deb hell Robert Ian Smit
The last update was on 00:35 GMT Sat Jun 22. There are 213 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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