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Kernel 2.2.19 boot problems

Hi folks,

Before I start off, I'll make two things clear
 - I'm an idiot :)
 - I haven't worked with Linux in a couple of years, but I HAVE re-read
   the docs

Anyhow, I have a SPARCstation 5/110 running potato. I was previously using
NetBSD, but decided to install Linux as well when I obtained a TCX
(NetBSD's tcx and sx support is nil for 24-bit). I'm not going to use
Solaris just for 24-bit video.

I grabbed the 2.2.19 sources, trimmed down the config, and did a "make
dep" and "make vmlinux" as shown by the docs. The problem comes whenever I
try to boot a kernel. I enter the kernel name at the "SILO boot:" prompt,
and after SILO attempts to load my custom kernel, it craps out after
loading the image with a message "fatal error: can't read loadable segment
in your ELF image". I searched a couple of SPARC-related mailing-lists,
and I've noticed a common theme of the kernel which fails with this error
being identified by file as a "32-bit ELF relocatable, not stripped",
while working kernels are identified as "32-bit ELF executable, statically
linked, stripped". My kernel falls into the former category, and a vain
attempt to strip the kernel didn't help at all.

What exactly am I doing wrong here? Why is my kernel being built
dynamically, not-stripped, and as a "relocatble"? It boggles my mind...

There's so much bullshit in space that there couldn't possibly be any good 
reason for any god to wish to create it.

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