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Help! Kernel panics..

For a couple of weeks I've been trying to track down the mysterious
lockups on this Ultra 10 - originally I thought it was due to a weird
install (bad first disc), and after reinstalling it seemed fine.  Then
it went down this weekend, after most of a week of uptime, and perusing
bugs.debian.org (for unrelated issues) I saw it might be related to
postgres.  So I removed postgres, and this time I happened to be logged
on when it died:

 Message from syslogd@beaker at Wed Dec 15 16:15:45 1999 ...
 beaker kernel: Kernel panic: Wheee. Kernel does fpu/atomic unaligned

Unfortunately, the machine has no console (its keyboardless, mouseless
and headless, sitting in a rack) so I don't have any more of a message
than that.  (And I can't build a magic-sysreq kernel, due to strange
issues with the 64-bit linker scripts..)  And just as a final kick in
the pants, its the Big Brother display and paging host, so when it dies
it can't even tell me.. :(

If I can't get this resolved pretty fast we're going to have to go back
to using Solaris on this (and several other) Ultras, so any help is
-much- appreciated.

Shawn McCarthy
Systems Engineer
905-A Commerce Rd.
Annapolis, MD  21401
410-571-8580 ext. 2241
FAX 410-266-5870

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