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Mod_perl and Linux/Sparc

	I have recently installed Debian 2.1 on an SparcIPX and RH6 on a
Sparc20 (one I own, one is for work), and on both machines I am unable to
get mod_perl to work correctly with apache. Everytime I try and load the
mod_perl module into apache via the httpd.conf file, apache segfaults on
startup. :(
	On both installs, I can include the LoadModule configuration line
for mod_perl with no adverse affects, but when I try and use it latter on
(via the handler configurations), that is when apache starts segfaulting.
	I have found reports of simular cases on RH6 Sparc installs, but
nothing on the debian side, and nothing on either side in term of
	To make things stranger, when I first installed mod_perl on the
IPX under Debian and reloaded apache, mod_perl worked just fine. But after
a reboot of the system, mod_perl would cause apache to segfault! Also,
some htdig binaries I had compilied on the system, which had worked before
the reboot were also segfaulting. Previous to the reboot, the IPX had been
up for 50 days (had installed linux and then got busy with other things
and forgot about it for over a month :).
	Ok, this is really getting wierd now... I have had the IPX up
for 19 hours, and just thought I would try loading mod_perl into apache
one more time before I sent this message. Well, now mod-perl works great,
no apache segfaults at all!
	Would some one please shed some light on this situation? Thanks.

	PS. The IPX has 64MB of RAM, stock Debian 2.1, gcc, libc6
2.0.105-2, kernel 2.0.35. The Sparc 20 has 64MB of RAM, stock RH6, egcs
2.91.66, libc6 2.1.1, kernel 2.2.5.

	PPS. Please CC me any replys from the redhat-sparc list as I am
not subscribed to that list.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                     |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)    |
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | rkirkpat@nag.cs.colorado.edu  |
|               http://www-ugrad.cs.colorado.edu/~rkirkpat/                |

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