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Re: serial terminal wiring hack?

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Wagner <mwagner@allenwagner.com> writes:

    Matt> i have a serial terminal on my SS10. when i turn the
    Matt> terminal off and then turn it back on, the machine is no
    Matt> longer in linux! but back at the PROM prompt. apparantly
    Matt> this is a common gripe?? however, i have heard that there is
    Matt> a way to "hotwire" the serial cable to keep the "line alive"
    Matt> signal going?? does anyone know how to do this?

Pulling the CD (carrier Detect) line low, as occurs when you power-off
your terminal sends a break signal to the console (the same as Stop-A
from a Sun keyboard).  Either turn off all hardware flow-control on
the terminal, or get/build/buy a custom cable that ties the CD line to
the DSR/DTR lines (ie, pins 6, 8 & 20) on the Sparc side.


"If 8-year-old boys discharging loaded firearms into their own legs
isn't necessary to the maintenance of a well-regulated militia, I
don't know what is." - Randal Cummings as reported in The Onion, 25/5/99

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