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Re: Gathering opinions: Freeze ?


Time to de-lurk, I guess. Good, It's even friday afternoon.

At the beginning of October I installed the then current
Debian/slink/sparc - and was pleased. Until I exited X. Until I
realized there was no XEmacs binary.

But I have been able to build my own kernel using kernel-package, and
both my LANCE and HAPPY MEAL network interfaces work, and my
multi-threaded C++ application runs and only Oopses sometimes.

The SPARCstation 10 here has been idle for the last 25 days of its 26
day uptime, and has 8GB of disk space. I could provide some more
manpower and cpupower.

Hmm, master.debian.org is refusing to talk to me, and although I can
ssh over to va.debian.org, it seems to have a different set of home
directories. Hopefully I can find the newest glibc and get a new
kernel and get started on things today.


>>>>> "Jules" == Jules Bean <jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk> writes:

    Jules> Yes.  But we need more manpower to get stable.  We can't
    Jules> pretend we are stable, as a way of attracting manpower...

    Jules> However, if you think a freeze would be good, and you are
    Jules> prepared to work towards one, then I'm prepared to help
    Jules> you, certainly.

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