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Re: Apt

>Installs are going well either side of me, and I've downloaded (not yet
>tested) the X debs from netg.se.

Great! Let me know how X works out.

>So, I'm wondering - why is there no apt for sparc?  Is there a known
>technical issue, or should I simply get the source, try a compile, and
>submit any necessary diffs?

Not that I've tried apt, but most packages that don't exist are just in the
need of a compile. So please do try and complie apt. The usual way, if
patches are required, are to submit the patches to the bug report system and
upload the patched binaries with an NMU version number.


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | iko@netg.se
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
http://www.netg.se   |                              | Tel: +46 31 50 79 40

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