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Re: New modutils for Sparc/Ultra

Previously Steve Dunham wrote:
> I'll give it a try, last time I looked at dupload (over a year ago),
> it didn't support ssh.  But I guess I can use ftp.

I has supported that since October 5, 1996.

> What I've been doing is run a script that compares i386 and sparc
> Packages files and prints out of date and missing packages.  

Try ruari-diff and quin-diff, which are already in production for things
like that (and used by the autobuilders I think).

> I can't get libtricks or fakeroot to work at all.

Is that a general C++ problem?

> I also fixed strace and forwarded the patches to wichart, I will
> recompile when he releases the new source package.

strace package is already out there. And it's Wichert.


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