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Re: libc6 status

On Sun, Feb 08, 1998 at 01:47:56AM +0100, Eric Delaunay wrote:
> 1/ rootdisk.sh (from boot-floppies-2.0.0) searchs for
>    /usr/lib/libc_pic/soinit.so, /usr/lib/libc_pic/sofini.so &
>    /usr/lib/libc_pic/interp.so files that are missing from our libc6 package.
>    I don't know much about creating the subset libc library used in rootdisk,
>    but I guess it follows the same method as of libc6 for Intel.
>    Can you check the Debian rules file from libc6 2.0 to create a similar
>    libc6-pic package ?

	Hmmm... I can't find those files in libc6-pic_2.0.6-3_i386.deb
either.  Are you sure they are needed?

	In my glibc tree, I find `elf/soinit.os' and `elf/sofini.os'.
Do you know if those are the same files?  However, I can't find

> 2/ the .rem symbol is defined in libslang (0.99.38) but not in the the libslang
>    generated for miniroot by processing the libslang-pic package.

	I'm going to define all the `.{u,}{div,mul,rem}' symbols in a
new shared library to be included in /etc/ld.so.preload, until the
glibc development team decides if they should be defined in libc.so or
not.  (BTW: which name would you use for that library?  `sparc-arith.so'?)

> Before trying to fix the latter problem, I would want to know if a new libc6
> upload is planned?

	The glibc development people are a bit quiet... there aren't
new versions yet, but I'm going to release a new version including a
patch for /etc/ld.so.preload handling (it doesn't work now), and that
library including .{u,}{div,mul,rem}

	Do you need any other change in libc6?

> PS: In the meantime of having a libc6 which could be reduced cleanly from
> 	the pic lib, I included a full version in the ramdisk.  However, I cannot
> 	create a rescue disk because this ramdisk is too large.  A complete libc6
> 	takes about 960 KB !

	Maybe we could compile other libc6 stripping uneeded things
for the bootdisk (such as threads, nis, db...)

Juan Cespedes

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