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Re: Current State of Debian Sparc Port

"Anders" == Anders Hammarquist <iko@netg.se> writes:

Anders> This is due to the fact that /lib/ld-linux.so.2 guesses
Anders> (wrongly) that the MMU page size is 8k (it is actually
Anders> 4k). libc6 should be fixed to do a syscall for getpagesize()

Is it possible that this problem afflicts /lib/ld-linux.so.1 from ldso
1.9.6-2?  It too segfaults, and the redhat patches of 1.8.3 don't seem
to help.

This seems an excellent time to get the various patches merged into
ldso, since one of its authors is of the Project.

---------------------  PGP  E4 70 6E 59 80 6A F5 78  63 32 BC FB 7A 08 53 4C
   __ _    Debian GNU         Johnie Ingram <johnie@netgod.net>      mm   mm
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __        "netgod"     irc.debian.org          mm mm
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /                                             m m m
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <      Those who do not understand UNIX       mm   mm
\____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\     are doomed to repeat it, poorly.       GO BLUE

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