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If you have missed out on a stable version of the Penguin draft for
sometime, step right up to the bar and get a mug full of the penguin draft
(2.0.32 vintage). It's all on the house! 

You can find the snapshot at: 


sparclinux-2.0-971208.tar.gz                 the entire snapshot
sparclinux-2.0-ss2.0.30-971208.diff.gz       patch against 2.0.30 snapshot
sparclinux-2.0-vanilla2.0.32-971208.diff.gz  patch against plain 2.0.32


- merge to 2.0.31 (ecd)

- merge to 2.0.32 (ecd)

- ET_DYN support in ELF loader for gnu libc stuff (ecd)

- updates to audio driver (derrick,baccala)
  * SunOS-compatible ioctls added
  * code for input support in place but not yet enabled

- /proc/openprom should now work on older PROMs (tdyas)

- muldiv instruction emulation fixed (Peter Maydell)

baccala=Brent Baccala
derrick=Derrick Brashear

>From the unofficial 2.0.32 snapshot, Brent fixed a signals problem so the
tcsh job control bug should be gone (at least it is on my system).

This snapshot does include Derrick's last audio snapshot.

Compiled images should be up in a day or so.

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