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libc6 & ncurses


  I'm now in hollyday for 3 weeks at least, so I will not maintain my libc6
package during this time.
I've fixed some termios handling in libc6, but I didn't have time to rebuild
a full set of packages.  However, I've just uploaded a new release made by
hand.  It's named libc6_2.0.90-970629-1a_sparc.deb.
It is available to ftp://lix.polytechnique.fr/pub/Linux/debian/sparc/exp as
If anyone want to build a new libc6 set of packages, get sources from this
directory and apply the "glibc2-termios.patch" before compiling.
You also have to patch your kernel with "sparclinux-delf-20.patch.gz" to be
able to build it in batch mode.

I'm sorry but my work on ncurses is not ready to be released :-(
There is another problem in keypad & arrow keys handling that should be fixed
before.  If someone have time to spend on it, he/she will be welcome.


 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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