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Re: my attempt to installt

> > I (correctly) assumed this meant that I really needed video hardware.
> No, you weren't correct. This means, that you should
> remade a link in the /dev directory to point to the correct
> console. I mean: ln -sf /dev/cua0 /dev/console or whatever.

Ok.  If that's all it takes, then we need to come up with a way to detect that
a keyboard isn't present, so that the console link can be created correctly
at the top of the install process, before the color vs monochrome question.
Thoughts?  The bootrom knows, and the kernel's debugging output is going to
the right place until this point.  Might there be a dropping in /proc

Since I'm using an NFS root, just changing the link would be easy, but that
won't be true for a floppy install.

> The best way I found to install debian on a sparc
> is to get Dave Miller's rescue boot/root disk pair from
> vger. 

Good to know.  I don't really have time to contribute to the sparc development
effort, since I'm working on boot disks for AXP right now, and have a heavy
commitment to a non-Debian hobby project, too.  However, I can try to make
time to test new install disk snapshots and grouse on the list about what I
don't like...  :-)

> But until we get an account on master.debian.org

I'll see what I can do to help.  The package building effort is important, but
is a parallel effort to making a good boot/install process, as long as all the
packages for that effort are available.  We obviously at least need to get
a working cfdisk/fdisk/whatever built for the install process, I don't know
what else might be lacking, yet.


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