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work in progress...


I built many other tools and uploaded them to my ftp site.
I think we may release a base system in short time!



interpreters/perl_5.003.07-6.deb	| need some tests, I guess...
interpreters/perl-suid_5.003.07-6.deb	| At least it sucessfully ran the test
interpreters/perl-debug_5.003.07-6.deb	| suite provided in sources.
base/perl-base_5.003.07-6.deb		|

doc/man_2.3.10-18.deb		fix a bug in pager in version 2.3.10-17

base/libc5_5.3.12-1.deb		full description added in control files
devel/libc5-dev_5.3.12-1.deb	-
devel/libc5-dbg_5.3.12-1.deb	-
devel/libc5-pic_5.3.12-1.deb	new release

base/procps_1.11.2.deb		need update to fix a bug in uptime

base/mount_2.6c-0.1.deb		replaces mount 2.5-1.1


base/fdflush_1.0.0-4.deb	replaces Stage1 release

Most of these packages and many other are currently running on my SPARC
without any problem ;-))
At the time I write this mail, I'm running 70 Debian/SPARC packages!

I summarize packages that are needed to build a base system from boot-floppy

basedisks need:
= base/base-files	1.2.4
* base/ldso		1.8.10
+ base/libc5		5.3.12-1	- no autoconf.h
* base/ncurses-base	1.9.9e-1
* base/ncurses3.0	1.9.9e-1
* base/libreadline2	2.0.1-2
* base/libdb1		1.85.4-3
* base/libgdbm1		1.7.3-19
* base/dpkg
= base/adduser		2.13		- need fix in control file (arch=all)
* base/ae		962-11
* base/bash		1.14.7-2
* base/bsdutils		3.1.3
* base/diff		2.7-13
* base/e2fsprogs	1.06-4
* base/fdflush		1.0.0-4
* base/fileutils	3.13-4
* base/findutils	4.1-12
* base/mawk		1.3.2-3
* base/grep		2.0-9
* base/gzip		1.2.4-14
* base/hostname		2.01
  base/kbd		- not yet available on SPARC!
* base/tar		1.11.8-8
% base/modules		2.1.8-1
= base/modconf		0.2.1
* base/mount		2.6c-0.1
* base/ncurses-bin	1.9.9e-1
+ base/procps		1.11.2		- need upgrade to fix a bug in uptime
* base/sed		2.05-11
+ base/setserial	2.10		- need info to identify serial device
* base/shellutils	1.16-1
* base/sysklogd		1.3-12		1.3-13
* base/sysvinit		2.69-1
* base/textutils	1.22-1
= base/timezone		7.55-1
* base/update		1.2-1
* base/debianutils	1.4
* base/getty		1.0-5		1.45a-3
* base/login		1.0-5		1.45a-3
* base/passwd		1.0-5		1.45a-3
+ base/util-linux	2.5-9
% base/dialog		0.9a-8
= base/base-passwd	1.2.0-3
* base/makedev		1.5-4
= net/dpkg-ftp		1.4.8
* net/netbase		2.08-1		2.09-1
* devel/perl-base	5.003.07-6
= devel/libnet		1.01		- need fix in control file (arch=all)

* devel/perl		5.003.07-6
* net/netstd		2.11-1		2.12

rootdisk also need:
+ shells/ash				0.2-0	need patch from bug report #3718

= architecture independent package
* almost done
+ in progress
% still in Stage1


 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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