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Here's the output of "dpkg --list" on sparky...

iU  adduser         2.11           Utilities to add users and groups to the sys
ii  ae              962-11         Anthony's Editor -- a tiny full-screen edito
ii  cpio            2.4.2-8        GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of 
ii  debianutils     1.3            Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian.
ii  dialog          0.9a-8         Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  diff            2.7-13         File comparison utilities
ii  doc-debian      1.2-0          Debian Manual, FAQ and other documents
ii  doc-linux       96.10-1        Linux FAQ, HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs.
ii  dpkg          Package maintenance system for Debian Linux
ii  fdflush         1.0.0-4        A disk-flushing program.
ii  gzip            1.2.4-13       The GNU compression utility.
ii  sudo            1.5.2-1        Provides limited super user privileges to sp
ii  tar             1.11.8-7       GNU tar
ii  xntp            3.5f-4         Network Time Protocol clients and server

The adduser package has some wild dependencies that are the subject of an open
bug report that's been discussed, I suspect that by the time we really care
a fresher source tree will be available, if not, we can step backwards a rev.
The limited testing I've done of the other packages suggest that they're 
working fine.

I've created /home/Debian/ftp/private/sparc on master.debian.org, this would
be "private/sparc" via anonymous ftp, if in fact anonymous ftp is still enabled
to that machine.  This may move if/when I get some feedback from the powers
that be.  I'm populating the subdirectory Stage1/ at this point...

The IPC keeps plugging away, but I'm headed for bed soon.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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