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debian-snapshots & xpilot development


I just realized I'm still on this list (thanks to a recent piece of
spam which reminded me :)

I'm the Debian maintainer for xpilot.  I'm also involved with upstream
both alpha and beta testing xpilot, and now they have recently put it
in publically accessible anon CVS.

As a result, I'm working on packaging for xpilot so that it can be dropped
into the latest CVS tree of xpilot (see xpilotgame.sourceforge.net).  The
(unreleased, unofficial) packaging is at: 

deb http://sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca/~synrg /
deb-src http://sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca/~synrg /

It's not perfect yet, by any means.  See recent discussion on the
xpilot-hacks mailing list about my plans for handling version numbers,
and upstream's comments/suggestions in the thread starting here:


Aside from "canning" the Debian packaging so all files are in ./debian, it
seems that the other issues with compiling CVS versions are:

- a cvs-update target in ./debian/rules

- automagically constructing a "good" version# (one which compares
  ok with dpkg --compare-versions with both unofficial and official
  versions of the package)
I recently looked at cvs-buildpackage, but it goes about accomplishing
the wrong thing for my purposes.  I need tools that allow packaging for 
a non-Debian package, where the packaging itself is not in CVS and I have
no write access to CVS.  I'd like to be able to:

- drop ./debian into a version of upstream CVS

- run ./debian/cvs-build to:

   a) update the version# of the package
   b) produce diffs against the last CVS build
   c) build the debs

Ideally, this would run as a cron script from my own box.  If it turns
out to be useful for people other than just me, I'll talk to upstream
about making use of sourceforge's facilities to do it.

I have a cvs-update target to put into debian/rules contributed by
michaelw@debian.org but it needs to be hand-tweaked for my package.
I'm wondering if a general cvs-update facility would be helpful, whether
cvs-buildpackage does part of what I want but just needs better docs, or
whether there are other tools within Debian that do what I want but I'm
just not aware of them.

So, anyone have ideas?

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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