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Bug#1020217: snapshot.debian.org: write a generic file driver supporting multiple backend (such as object-storage)

Hi there!

I'm hereby cc-ing our DPL, to get him involved an eventual storage cluster purchase for the project.

I have been mentioning such an object storage driver, so we could use OpenStack swift for snapshot.d.o for years. I am happy that it finally brings traction, and that Lucas is implementing this. Thanks Lucas.

However, it is disappointing to see it moving toward an s3 implementation, which is a protocol from a closed-source service. I already wrote multiple times that my company (Infomaniak) was willing to sponsor storage space on Swift for it.

FYI, we currently manage more than 110 PB of storage over 7500+ HDD and growing, so I am not scared at all about storage space. Some clusters we manage are around 40PB, with billions of files.

Though I do not envision *any* sponsor to provide the storage space, but rather, Debian maintaining its own storage cluster. To give you a rough idea of what this would represent, let me give you some idea of what type of hardware involved, and it pricing.

I would currently recommend this type of 2U server:

They provide 24 HDD storage, plus 2x SSD for the system. Equipped with a decent amount of RAM (128 GB) and a CPU, the cost is around 4000 EUR per server without the HDDs. Currently, 22TB Seagate HDDs are at around 350 EUR per piece. So such a server fully equipped with HDD would be at around 12000 EUR per server. If we want 6 of them (which is IMO the bare minimum for redundancy, as each file is stored 3 times), we're talking of around 75000 EUR, plus 3 smaller servers to act as auth server (ie: Keytsone), at let's say 4000 each (which is average price for a decent server with 128 GB of RAM and 2x SSD system, plus 32 cores CPU), we would end up spending around 90kEUR for such a storage cluster. This would provide 1 PB of redundant (ie: copied 3 times) storage space.

This would need 15U of rack space, plus an eventual switch.

Though if we want to be safe, we could purchase at least one spare node and a few HDDs.

So all together, we're looking at a 100kEUR spending. Note that this type of swift cluster could also be used for artifact storage for Salsa (gitlab has a swift backend storage driver).

Also note that we're currently (at Infomaniak) using these AIC chassis with amd64, but we're looking at replacing the boards with some Gigabyte motherboard using Ampere CPU (ie: ARM64 based, with 80 cores).

If we need to save on costs at first, we could lower the amount of HDDs (let's say half), and add more HDDs later on. But you got my point, it's not *that* expensive, and for sure, something we could afford (we do have the budget).

I am hereby volunteering to setup such an OpenStack swift cluster for snapshot.d.o, or other Debian use. It'd be easy to find other people interested in helping me maintain this (I know some persons that already volunteered to help me when I'm away, in holidays or otherwise).

Your thoughts? Would the DPL agree on such a spending? Do we have somewhere to host this? At UBC? What would be the DSA opinion about this? Would they get involved? (IMO, we can do without DSA if they don't want to get involved, but I'd prefer if they would...)


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

P.S: Please CC me.

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