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Snapshot planning meeting notes 2024-03-04


Please find a summary of today's Snapshot service planning meeting

Present: h01ger, jcristau, kpcyrd, ln5, weasel
Decision: next meeting monday, april 8th, 16 UTC
Info: weasel will setup a vm and ping ln5 and h01ger
Info: jcristau will ask hetzner & cloud team about hosting

Selected highlights from the meeting:
- going over work items from [previous meeting][]
  - no progress on any of the five items 1 (dev environment), 2 (new
    main storage), 3 (s3 support), 4 (indexing) or 5 (sha256)
  - 3, 4, 5 block on 1
  - 1 should not block on 2
- what'd be a useful dev environment (resolving 1)?
  - a box with a mirror of the -security repo and some disk to have it
    in a farm, plus a postgresql instance
  - debian-security is currently ~200gb so we'd need at least 250g for
    the mirror, 300g for the farm, some 50g for the DB and misc OS
    stuff => 600g
- who'd do what?
  - weasel (dsa hat on) will set up a vm on conova-node0[34]
  - ln5 and h01ger will bring snapshot-dev online on that vm

[previous meeting]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-snapshot/2024/02/msg00003.html

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