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I wanted to show https://metasnap.debian.net to you. In contrast to
snapshot.d.o, it parses Packages files and is thus able to tell which packages
are in which suites for what timestamps. This is especially useful for tools
like debrebuild or debbisect. So you can for example pass a whole buildinfo
file to it and it will tell you, which repositories are needed to acquire all
binary packages listed in the buildinfo file:

    $ curl https://buildinfos.debian.net/ftp-master.debian.org/buildinfo/2021/01/01/0ad-data_0.0.23.1-1.1_all-buildd.buildinfo \
        | curl -F 'buildinfo=<-' https://metasnap.debian.net/cgi-bin/api
    amd64 20201230T203527Z
    amd64 20210106T142920Z

This is just a heads-up and a request for comments and maybe even bugreports.

Please CC me -- I'm not subscribed to debian-snapshot@lists.debian.org.


cheers, josch

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