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Re: Missing debian-debug snapshots and packages

On Mon, 23 Sep 2019, Yichun Zhang (agentzh) wrote:

> I have noted some missing stuff on the site after playing with it for
> some time, however. Not sure if they are either known issues or just
> decisions made intentionally, or even asked here before. I apologize
> if this is a FAQ. The missing things I've noted are
> 1. I found no dbgsym packages for Jessie through the debian-debug
> archive. Is it because it reached its official EOL?

IIRC, jessie didn't have dbgsym packages.  It had -dbg packages in the main

> 2. I've noted that the most recent 2 months (Aug 2019 and Sep 2019)
> have no snapshots at all under debian-debug:

Wow.  Thanks for letting us know!  Turns out, the mirror that snapshot
imports from was not successfully mirroring since a directory had been
replaced with a symlink which causes rsync to fail:

| could not make way for new symlink: dists/testing-proposed-updates-debug
| rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1668) [generator=3.1.2]

Fixed now, thanks.
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