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[snapshot/master] Do check-2 in smaller steps, and have a proper exit code

 fsck/check-2/check-2 |   44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fsck/check-2/check-2 b/fsck/check-2/check-2
index 2d20c5d..2429978 100755
--- a/fsck/check-2/check-2
+++ b/fsck/check-2/check-2
@@ -52,30 +52,42 @@ verbose = 3
 def record(filename, msg):
     errors.append((filename, msg))
-    if verbose >= 3: print "%s: %s"%(filename, msg)
+    if verbose >= 2: print "%s: %s"%(filename, msg)
+cnt = 0
 db = DBHelper(config['db']['connectstring'])
-c = db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT hash, size FROM file ORDER BY hash", args)
-while True:
-    f = c.fetchone()
-    if f is None: break
-    try:
-        s = os.stat(make_path(f['hash']))
-        if s.st_size != f['size']:
-            record(f['hash'], 'wrong size (expected %d, got %d)'%(f['size'], s.st_size))
-        elif verbose >= 4: sys.stdout.write("."); sys.stdout.flush()
-    except OSError, e:
-        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-            record(f['hash'], 'missing')
-        else:
-            raise
+for byte1 in xrange(256):
+    if verbose >= 1: print "doing %02x:"%(byte1); sys.stdout.flush()
+    for n2 in xrange(16):
+        if verbose >= 1: print "doing %02x%1x:"%(byte1,n2); sys.stdout.flush()
+        c = db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT hash, size FROM file WHERE hash LIKE %(h)s ORDER BY hash", {'h': '%02x%1x%%'%(byte1, n2)})
+        while True:
+            f = c.fetchone()
+            if f is None: break
+            cnt += 1
+            try:
+                s = os.stat(make_path(f['hash']))
+                if s.st_size != f['size']:
+                    record(f['hash'], 'wrong size (expected %d, got %d)'%(f['size'], s.st_size))
+                elif verbose >= 4: sys.stdout.write("."); sys.stdout.flush()
+            except OSError, e:
+                if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                    record(f['hash'], 'missing')
+                else:
+                    raise
+        c.close()
+if verbose >= 1: print "checked %d files"%(cnt)
 for e in errors:
     print "%s: %s"%(e[0], e[1])
+if len(errors) > 0:
+    sys.exit(1)
 # vim:set ts=4:
 # vim:set et:
 # vim:set shiftwidth=4:

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