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snapshot.debian.org & debian-ports.org

[Please Cc: me for the answer, as I am not subscribed to the list]


As you are probably aware, the alpha and hppa architectures are
currently being removed from the official archive [1]. debian-ports.org
got requests to import these architectures, but this is currently not
possible due to disk space constraints.

A big part of the disk space is used for taking regular snapshots [2] 
of the archive, plus some snapshots at some important moments (like a 
new stable release, before a major change in the toolchain, etc.). This
is something that is quite useful for new architectures. However it
seems a bit redundant with snapshot.debian.org, so we can probably save
some disk space there.

Before doing that I would like to make sure that snapshot.debian.org
can really replace our regular snapshots. That's why I would like to
ask you a few questions:
  - How is the snapshot process done? Does it tries to parse the
    Packages.gz file to know what to fetch, or does it tries to have a
    snapshot of the whole debian/ tree?
  - Are you able to detect if snapshot.debian.org get outdated (for 
    example in case of problem with the mirroring pulse)? If not we 
    can probably develop something on our side comparing the trace 
  - Could the debian-ports.org people get notified a bit in advance if
    you plan to stop snapshotting it, so that we can be prepared to
    restore it our side?
  - Do the snapshot.debian.org people have any objections if we rely
    on them for the debian-ports.org snapshots?


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/04/msg00000.html
[2] http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian-snapshot/

Aurelien Jarno	                        GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
aurelien@aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net

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