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How can I validate RSS?

I am searching for a Debian package to parse RSS and validate it (XML
well-formedness + compliance with the RSS 2.0 specification) from the
command-line or from a few lines of code using a suitable library.

The reason is that package [apt-listbugs] (which I maintain) has a
feature that produces an RSS output.

[apt-listbugs]: <https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/apt-listbugs>

I would like to add an autopkgtest test that parses some RSS output and
checks its validity.

But it doesn't look easy to find a Debian package that can automate
this check. Searching the web, I mainly find web applications that can
validate RSS (such as [W3C feed validator], which appears to be
DFSG-free and also usable on a localhost as a [Python program], but
it does not seem to be included in Debian).

[W3C feed validator]: <https://validator.w3.org/feed/>
[Python program]: <https://github.com/w3c/feedvalidator>

Which Debian package (command-line tool or simple-to-use library) would
you suggest to validate RSS (and maybe also to parse it)?

Please let me know your take on this subject.
Thanks for your time!

P.S.: Please Cc me on replies, as I am not subscribed to the mailing
      list. Thanks!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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