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Re: Mixing Mathml (And SVG) with DocBook

From: <ghaverla

> Huh?  It's been a while since I did a DocBook/SVG thing, so maybe
> my memory isn't so good.  But, as far as DocBook/MathML goes, if
> any given page contains math, then the page needs to be presented
> to the browser as XML as near as I can tell.

I misunderstood the nature of your problem.  Yes, you want to return
XHTML with proper namespaces to the client if you expect the client to
invoke MathML handling.

> Are you talking about changing the equations and images that
> MathML and SVG describe into bitmaps, and then presenting a HTML
> document which includes images?  Some inline, some not.

If I had to build one today and I needed to hit machines and browsers
&gt; 18 months old, I would, but I am shy of plug-ins in general.

>  Maybe I
> am just too old, but how I interpret things is that neither MathML
> or SVG should be understood by a HTML browser.  That the browser
> must be an XML browser (or a browser which thinks the source
> document is XML, including XHTML).

Yet in all likelihood the client environment for the foreseeable future
is HTML based with plugged support for specialized rendering tasks.

> The makefile is using xsltproc to generate HTML4 from XML using
> stylesheets.

You can make xsltproc produce XHTML directly:


You may need to modify the docbook XSL to honor the mathML namespace.
You would redefine the default template for match="*" to directly
pass-through any markup in that NS.

>  ;-)  Statistical
> mechanics seems much easier than a lot of this XML stuff.

Some folks do like to make it seem harder than it is.  XML is for users.
There's my acronym for today: XIFU.


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