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Re: Mixing Mathml (And SVG) with DocBook

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ghaverla@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
To: <debian-sgml@lists.debian.org>

> However, if the DocBook
> input involves various XML technologies (such as MathML or SVG),
> then there is a problem.  At least in an HTML/XML/XHTML context.


As DocBook is an XML technology, it integrates directly with MathML and
SVG in well-documented ways.  Look at the customization of the DocBook


> MathML and SVG (and others?) are in their infancy, and I don't see
> any strong concensus in how they are treated.

Then you are not looking at XSL.

> Perhaps programatically, I think (or at least would hope) that
> HTML output of DocBook source would be strict HTML 4.  I do
> believe the DOCTYPE specified in the output document is the
> transitional version of HTML4, and not the strict DTD.  However,
> if we want to incorporate MathML or SVG in DocBook, this isn't
> sufficient.  If we want to incorporate XML technologies in any
> DocBook source, the output must be XHTML, and not HTML 4.

No.  DocBook, MathML and SVG can be processed together and happily
generate HTML to any of the three v4 DTDs.  The SVG can be processed by
FOP and return several web graphic formats

> Enough prologue.  I am working on a document in DocBook-Website,
> which incorporates MathML now (and may incorporate SVG in the
> future).  Having to edit the conversion products of the Makefile
> from HTML 4 into XHTML every time I remake things has been
> annoying.

Edit the Makefile?  You may be coming up against the limits of the
package you are using.  If so, find the head of the document referenced
in the link above and look at setting up a bespoke toolchain for
processing your source documents.

I would certainly regard you current process as a bit of a horror.



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