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Re: nsgmls looking for .dcl file

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam DiCarlo <aph@debian.org> writes:


    Adam> It must be an invalid DECL or DTDDECL command in the
    Adam> xml-resume-library catalog.

    Adam> FYI, this fragility, where one bad catalog can break the
    Adam> whole XML/SGML toolchain, is a problem our (and LSB's?)
    Adam> design.

I would tend to say it's a problem with the tool itself.  A tool must
be able to warn and recover such kind of errors if necessary and
possible.  At least, I will not hesitate much to fill a
(normal/wishlist?) bug against the program if, IMO, such program can
be able to recover for such a bad assignment.

OTH, we doesn't ask gcc to recover from badly form C headers...  May
be the right thing to do is something like the pkg-config for
compilations?  For example:

SGML_CATALOG_FILES=`xml-resume-config --catalog`

or may be just a

SGML_CATALOG_FILES=`sgml-config --catalogs xml-resume`

can be enough (sgmlwhich does something like this, but just for

other options for such a tool can be:

--dtd           list the dtd path of such package
--decl          list the declaration file associate
--doctype       produce a valid doctype header for a document

etc...  I'm pretty sure such thing can be easily done, but the best
would be to integrate it with the sgml-base package as well as in the
policy.  I can be volunteer to develop such a thing but not before
Holidays (like around December 20th) and I would certainly appreciate
some input about what will be needed.

Fabien Niñoles                              Debian Maintainer
fabien@debian.org                       http://www.debian.org
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