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Re: xml catalog registration [was: [MAILER-DAEMON@onshored.com (Mail Delivery System)] Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender]

Frederic Schutz <schutz@mathgen.ch> writes:
> 1) In which directory should the XHTML DTDs should ? As far as I remember,
> sgml-data stores them into /usr/share/sgml/html/xml/1.0/xhtml/. Is there a
> reason why so many levels are needed ? Could I use
> /usr/share/sgml/html/xhtml/(basic|1.0|1.1)/ or should I keed the XML
> sublevel ?

Erm.  I think you might be right.  It feels like
/usr/share/sgml/xhtml/1.0 etc. is where it should go.  If you can provide a
symlink in /usr/share/sgml/html/xml/1.0/xhtml/... that might be
helpful to users using the current location of the 1.0 stuff.
> 2) The install scripts of sgml-data creates a lot of subdirectories with
> links to the DTDs (eg /usr/share/sgml/W3C/...), should I do the same for
> all the DTD ? Any special reason for doing this (except that having several
> paths to the DTD which can make them easier to find) ?

See /usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/sgml_layout.*, section 2.

sgml-catalog-check.pl from sgml-data pkg will do this for you.

> 3) At the moment, if I let the install script create the directories, it
> will conflict with sgml-data since some links are in common. How should I
> handle this ? Do you plan to remove XHTML 1.0 from sgml-data once the
> standalone package is ready (and have sgml-data depends on w3-dtd-xhtml for
> a while if needed ?) or should I take care of the conflicting files in the
> package ?

Just let me know when it's almost ready, and I'll pull xhtml1.0 from
sgml-data.  Then you do a verioned conflict with the prior versions
of sgml-data.  Ok?  Let me know.

> 4) I intented to ask the last point in debian-sgml, but while I'm here: do
> you know if there is any reason why the W3C DTD packages are called
> "w3-dtd-*" instead of "w3c-dtd-*" ?  w3 is the website name, but otherwise,
> all the references are made to the "W3C", which would be more logical. I
> ask this because I packaged the HTML Validator under the name
> w3c-markup-validator, because, well, that's its upstream name, and I wonder
> if I should keep the "wrong" name for w3-dtd-xhtml (but stay consistent
> with other dtd packages), or use the one that seems more correct to me.

I would say use whatever seems correct and file a bug on the incorrect
pkgs to get them renamed.  

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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