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Re: A newbie question

On Oct 29, Susan Kleinmann (sgk@kleinmann.com) wrote:
 > On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 10:20:11PM +0100, Q. Gong wrote:
 > > Hi, all,
 > > 
 > > I have a newbie question. Just installed docbook, jade, jadetex, sp etc.
 > > packages. 
 > These are all SGML tools.
 > >I copy a simple xml example, test.xml. 
 > Then you need XML tools.

So, question to all: what XML tools actually work/do you (and others) use?  In
my transition from DocBook-SGML to DocBook-XML I attempted to use the tool
chain xsltproc, passivetex/xmltex instead of jade and jadetex.  The makefile I
created for SGML was able to output tex, dvi, pdf, ps, html, txt and rtf.  The
makefile I created for XML was able to output tex dvi pdf ps html and txt.
Note the lack of rtf; so my first question is, what do people use to create
files for people who say, "Can you send me that as a Microsoft Word document"?

As for passivetex/xmltex, I've read some comments that the output quality is
not as good as the jade/jadetex toolchain, but I didn't get that far because
on a simple one and a half page document pdflatex and latex choked before
producing output.  Since I use the dvi file to generate ps output, I had
nothing to compare to the SGML dvi, pdf or ps output.  Here is the error I got
from both (on a Solaris box, not Debian, using the latest versions of the

! Missing number, treated as zero.  <to be read again>
l.20 ...umn-width="proportional-column-width(5)"/>


which didn't clue me in to how to fix it.  The HTML output (via xsltproc) was
OK.  I ended up just using all the old SGML tools for XML, by replacing this
jade command:

	jade -t tex -d $(PRNTDSL) $<

with this:

	jade -t tex -d $(PRNTDSL) $(XMLDECL) $<

in the makefile, where PRNTDSL is defined as the print stylesheet and XMLDECL
is defined as the xml declaration.

Neil L. Roeth

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